2023 summer internship announced

Marie St-Pierre from Quebec City and Ruby Raymond-Henle from Louisville, Kentucky have been
selected as the Knollenberg Foundations’s 2023 Summer Interns. We give a warm welcome to Marie and Ruby as our new interns and appreciate their enthusiasm and willingness to undertake this research project, making their own unique contribution. Their research will serve as a basis for identifying individuals in the international community that will be showcased for their positive contribution to the environment. In June, the two interns and I met at the Monique Corrivear library in Quebec city to outline the project and share ideas on how best to proceed. Over the next 8 weeks, these two high school students will support information gathering research that will form a basis for an upcoming Foundation project.

I look forward to incorporating their research findings into our upcoming project.
L. Raymond, Director


Our internships offer an opportunity for students that are interested in climate change and environmental stewardship to make a contribution.

To apply, please email:
L. Raymond, Director at info@knollenbergfoundation.org